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Competitive Gymnastics Program


Milton Springers offers competitive gymnastics training for girls ages 3 and up that meet a variety of levels of gymnastics ability.

How do we join the competitive team?

Aptitude testing for competitive programs is typically held in April/May.  Previous recreation gymnastics class experience is recommended but a love for turning upside down and a demonstrated natural capability in strength, flexibility and coordination could be a sign your daughter is a gymnast.   Dates are advertised on the club website and in the gym.  Athletes who are current competitive gymnasts at another Club may call the gym and speak to the club’s competitive program director to arrange for an evaluation.

Milton Springers is a not-for-profit community sports organization governed by a parent-run Board of Directors.  Competitive programs at the club are supported through the assistance and participation of its competitive team member families. Participation of our competitive members is integral in providing a quality experience for all of our gymnastics programs, as well as assisting in keeping club fees as reasonable as possible. Levels of participation are determined by the number of hours the competitive gymnast works out. Participation is fulfilled through taking on committee and/or executive positions, or signing up for participation points (e.g. helping run events at the club).

Team Programs 

All team programs are 12-months in length with the new season starting in July.  The Club is a member of Gymnastics Ontario and follows the technical requirements to compete in J.O. (Junior Olympic) Program.  Provincial competition begins at 9 years of age with various levels of entry dependent on the gymnast’s mastery of the skill requirements.  Competitive age is determined by the birth year age as of Dec 31, of the following year. 

Competitive Teams

Teenies (3 years): This program is geared towards the foundations of the sport for our youngest athletes of 3-4 years of age. This program will outline the basic shapes of our competitive sport and teach a healthy approach to the competitive stream.

Training commitment:  1 class per week (2 hrs/wk)

Springettes (4/5 yrs) and Petites (5/6 yrs): Young gymnasts who show an above average enthusiasm for gymnastics and can demonstrate the physical ability and mental prowess to move beyond the typical Kindergym structure geared for that age group.  Classes focus on building strength, flexibility, and basic gymnastics skill development.

Training commitment:  2 classes per week (Springettes 4 hrs/wk, Petites 6 hrs/wk)

Mini Pre 1 & 2  (Age 6 yrs):  These programs are designed as an extension and continuation of the physical and mental preparation developed in the Springette and Petites training or for those athletes identified through aptitude testing at one of the club’s evaluation days.  Athletes are introduced to one ODP competition at this level.

Training Commitment:  3 classes per week (9 hrs/wk)

Pre 1 & 2  (7/8 yrs):  These programs are designed as an extension and continuation of the physical and mental preparation developed in the Mini Pre training or for those athletes identified through aptitude testing at one of the club’s evaluation days. Athletes are introduced to two Compulsory competitions if in Pre 1 and one Compulsory competition if in Pre 2.

Training Commitment:  Pre 1: 4 classes per week (16 hrs/wk) Pre 2: 3 classes per week (12 hrs/wk)

Xcel Program (Ages 7+):  Gymnasts are typically selected from the club’s advanced recreation Fundamentals program, the Pre-Comp program or identified through aptitude testing. 

This is an ideal program for gymnasts who are enthusiastic about gymnastics, skill development at their own pace and introductory competition. 

Training Commitment:  2 to 3 classes per week (8-15 hrs/wk)

Provincial Level (Ages 9+ Compulsory Levels 3-5 & Optional Levels 6-10): Entry into the Provincial competitive level is typically a progression from the Pre-competitive or invitational programs.

Provincial level competition consists of three qualifying meets across Ontario where gymnasts are vying for the opportunity to compete in the Provincial Championships which take place in the spring.

Training Commitment:  3 to 5 classes per week (Compulsory program: 12-16 hrs/wk. Optional program: 16-25 hrs/wk) 

National Levels (Ages 8+): National stream training is available for athletes who are highly motivated physically and mentally to master the technical requirements set by Gymnastics Canada.

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